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The oldest tattoo tool in North America is made from pear cactus needles

The oldest tattoo tool in North America is made from pear cactus needles

Tattoos have always been a way to express something. Be it status, slavery, illness or bravery, since previous centuries the practice of tattooing has carried a message with it. The origin of this activity is not known exactly, however, it is known that it originated on the border between Europe and Asia. more than five thousand years ago.

Vikings settled in Canada for centuries

Vikings settled in Canada for centuries

A team of archaeologists who excavated a peat bog (acidic wetland) during 2018 near the Viking settlement of L'Anse aux Meadows in Newfoundland, Canada, found a “layer of environmental remains” along with various Viking objects and radiocarbon analyzes These have been shown to date back to the late 1100s or early 1200s.

The best places to visit in Italy

The best places to visit in Italy

Italy is an endless country where each region has its own gastronomy and its particular landscapes. With unique corners, magical fountains and a culture with much to offer, Italy remains one of the most visited tourist destinations in the world. What are the best places to visit in Italy?

Dinosaurs: Caenagnathus, a dinosaur with a confusing history

Dinosaurs: Caenagnathus, a dinosaur with a confusing history

Caenagnathus file Translation: «new jaw» Also known as: Chirostenotes Description: Carnivore, bipedal Order: Saurischia Suborder: Theropoda Infraorder: Tetanurae (not confirmed) Microorder: Maniraptora (from the microorder Coelurosauria) Superfamily: Saurischia Suborder: TheropodaInfraorder: Tetanurae (not confirmed) Microorder: Maniraptora (from the microorder Coelurosauria) Superfamily: Ovirapturaturae Kilometer: Ovirapturaidae 2 meters Longitude: Ovirapturatosauridae Cagnorenala Period: 2 meters Caenagnathus is a genus of Late Cretaceous caenagnathid oviraptorosaurus dinosaur, known from partial remains including the lower jaws, a tail vertebra, and limb bones.

They find remains of wood used by Neanderthals about 60,000 years ago

They find remains of wood used by Neanderthals about 60,000 years ago

From last August 5 until next Wednesday, August 28, the annual archaeological excavation campaign has been carried out at the Abric Romaní site, in Capellades (Barcelona). A group of 35 people has collaborated in the excavation tasks under the coordination of M. Gema Chacón, Josep Vallverdú and Palmira Saladié, the three researchers from the Institut Català de Paleoecologia Humana i Evolució Social (IPHES).

First reconstruction of the appearance of the Denisovans

First reconstruction of the appearance of the Denisovans

About 50,000 years ago, modern humans lived together with other hominids such as Neanderthals - of which we know a lot thanks to their numerous fossils found in Europe and Asia - and Denisovans - of which there are hardly any remains -. The latter were discovered ago. only a decade from the analysis of its DNA, contrary to the rest of human species identified thanks to its fossils.

Books to introduce you to Greek Mythology

Books to introduce you to Greek Mythology

Of all the literature that exists on Greek mythology, some specific books are essential for us to understand a little more about the fascinating cosmological world of Ancient Greece. One of those that we consider essential is the dictionary of mythology by Pierre Grimal, a book that offers us an interesting list of the main Greek and Roman gods along hundreds of documented pages and by the hand of one of the greatest experts on this subject.

The impact of the Mayans on the environment was greater than previously believed

The impact of the Mayans on the environment was greater than previously believed

Faced with population growth and environmental pressures, such as sea level rise between 3,000 and 1,000 years ago or droughts about 1,200 years ago, Mayan societies responded by turning tropical forests into complex wetland fields with canals to manage the quality and quantity of water.

Queen Sofía receives the Board of Trustees of the Atapuerca Foundation for its twentieth anniversary

Queen Sofía receives the Board of Trustees of the Atapuerca Foundation for its twentieth anniversary

On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the Atapuerca Foundation, Queen Sofía, Honorary President of the Atapuerca Foundation, received a representation of her Board of Trustees in an audience today at the Palacio de la Zarzuela. The president, Antonio M. Méndez Pozo, two of the vice presidents, José María Bermúdez de Castro and Eudald Carbonell, the general director, Javier Gutiérrez, and six other representatives of the Board of this entity.

Summary of 'Hopscotch' by Julio Cortázar

Summary of 'Hopscotch' by Julio Cortázar

Author Biography Julio Florencio Cortázar was born in Ixelles Belgium in 1914, when his father was serving as a commercial attaché at the Argentine embassy in Belgium. That was the reason for his birth in that country.At the end of the First World War, his parents managed to reach Switzerland, thanks to the German nationality of Julio's grandmother.

Jurassic dinosaurs trotted between Africa and Europe

Jurassic dinosaurs trotted between Africa and Europe

At the end of the Jurassic, as a result of the defragmentation of the supercontinent Pangea, the countries that currently make up Europe were part of an archipelago surrounded by a shallow sea. In its interior, the Iberian Peninsula was located in the southernmost part, on the continent of Laurasia (which includes present-day North America and Eurasia), but near Gondwana, the continent to the south.

Ancient lost capital of the Khmer Empire found in Cambodia

Ancient lost capital of the Khmer Empire found in Cambodia

A team of researchers has rediscovered an ancient "lost city" of the Khmer (Khmer) Empire, Mahendraparvata, thanks to aerial mapping techniques, authorities reported. Using aerial laser scanning and ground topography, the researchers found a "large network extended urban area dating from the 9th century ”, and which was quickly identified as Mahendraparvata, capital of the empire from the 8th to 9th centuries, known to exist in Southeast Asia during the Angkor period, but had not been located.

Exhibition ‘The longest journey’: the first circumnavigation in handwriting

Exhibition ‘The longest journey’: the first circumnavigation in handwriting

Although literature and cinema offer indisputable and sensitive works thanks to which we can approach the main historical events and periods, being in front of history itself and seeing its legacy in the first person constitutes an experience with its own specific weight. exhibition 'The longest trip: the first round the world', which from September 12 until next February 23 hosts the General Archive of the Indies of Seville on the occasion of the fifth centenary of the first circumnavigation of the Earth.

They find signs of the first inhabitants of Quito, Ecuador

They find signs of the first inhabitants of Quito, Ecuador

Archaeologists from the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, found evidence of the oldest sedentary occupation so far known in Quito, between 4,400 and 1,600 BC, in the El Condado sector, northwest of the capital. In 2011, Criminalística se contacted the archaeologist María Fernanda Ugalde after the fortuitous discovery of human burials.

‘Arcas de caudales’, the safes of the Spanish Imperial Era

‘Arcas de caudales’, the safes of the Spanish Imperial Era

The National Museum of Sculpture in Valladolid and the Casa de Contratación in Seville display two chests from the mid-16th century. They are characterized by their imposing structure, which was forged with iron, which gives it an impenetrable appearance. Cash chests In the Middle Ages they were used to secure goods that traveled quite dangerous roads.

French archaeologists believe they have found Montaigne's remains

French archaeologists believe they have found Montaigne's remains

The mortal remains of the French philosopher Michel de Montaigne, whose location was uncertain after the successive transfers experienced since his death in 1592, appear to have been found in the basement of a Bordeaux museum, according to a team of archaeologists examining them. This work seeks to "reconstruct a history that had been diluted" and certify that those bones belong to the author of the "Essays", explained Laurent Vedrine, the director of the Aquitaine Museum where the tomb was located.

History of eCommerce: from the origins to Dropshipping

History of eCommerce: from the origins to Dropshipping

In recent years we are witnessing a true explosion of eCommerce thanks to different services that they offer us, from how to set up one, to a complete dropshipping guide (to be an intermediary in a sale so as not to keep stock). Based on its history as we already did with email marketing, what is the history of eCommerce?

Characteristics of naval battles in the Middle Ages

Characteristics of naval battles in the Middle Ages

During the Middle Ages, a series of naval battles took place in the Mediterranean, although less frequently than in later times and which at the beginning of the period mainly sought the boarding of enemy ships. In this sense, medieval warfare at sea It had many similarities with those developed in the classical period, galley fleets, usually with slaves at the oars), which sought to collide or approach enemy vessels so that sailors could fight on deck.

Nanotyrannus did not exist, they were juvenile tyrannosaurs

Nanotyrannus did not exist, they were juvenile tyrannosaurs

How to know if a fossil belongs to a hatchling or an adult? The answer is not simple if we take into account that the shape of many animals changes as they grow. The discovery of a strange little tyrannosaurus skull in 1942 led some paleontologists to think that they were dealing with a pygmy species, which was named Nanotyrannus.

New study confirms that Molière wrote his own works

New study confirms that Molière wrote his own works

A study by two researchers from the National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) and the Ecole Nationale des Chartes has concluded that Molière (Jean-Baptiste Poquelin), born in Paris in 1622, was the author of his theatrical works. The results of the work have been published in the journal Science Advances.