Category: Information

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The Capitol and other places with history to discover in Washington

The Capitol and other places with history to discover in Washington

If we think of the United States, and specifically its capital, Washington, history goes back 200 years. Few years for how time is measured and the legacy of other cities, especially those found in Europe. But what makes it peculiar and different is that Washington was carefully designed and built.

Stages and characteristics of the Metal Age

Stages and characteristics of the Metal Age

By Age of Metals, we understand that it is the prehistoric period between the Stone Age and the Old Age, and that it is characterized by the appearance of certain metallic elements that replaced stone in the manufacture of weapons and tools. Metal Age It comprises three great periods of Prehistory and allowed, as we mentioned, to leave behind the Stone Age.

Review of ‘Travelers in the Third Reich’, by Julia Boyd

Review of ‘Travelers in the Third Reich’, by Julia Boyd

The events that took place in interwar Germany were dramatic and terrifying, but was it really possible to know what was going on, grasp the essence of National Socialism, stay out of propaganda, or predict the Holocaust? Although countless books have been written about Hitler's rise, Travelers in the Third Reich is exceptional in that it is based on first-hand accounts from foreigners who traveled to Germany to convey what it was like to visit, study, or live in Germany during the 1920s and 1930s.

Christopher Columbus' biography

Christopher Columbus' biography

Christopher Columbus was born, almost certainly, in Genoa on October 30, 1451 and is one of the most important characters not only in the Modern Age, but in the history of mankind.Biography of Christopher Columbus He was the son of Domeneghino Colombo and Susana Fontanarossa and had two brothers Bartolomé and Diego.

History of the Khmer Empire

History of the Khmer Empire

Malaysia, Myanmar (Burma), Cambodia, Thailand, Laos and Vietnam were the base that constituted the enigmatic Khmer Empire, its origin was founded through the discrepancy between the tribute of Southeast Asia, who in the first century were led by the figure responsible for the leadership of the people, who administered justice and had military control.

Ancient DNA confirms the origin of 'Homo sapiens' in four lineages

Ancient DNA confirms the origin of 'Homo sapiens' in four lineages

Africa is the birthplace of Homo sapiens and is home to the greatest human genetic diversity than any other part of the planet. Studies of ancient DNA from its archaeological sites can shed light on humanity's earliest origins. However, they remain in short supply, in part due to the challenge of extracting DNA from degraded skeletons in tropical environments.

They discover a gold bar from the loot of Hernán Cortés in Mexico

They discover a gold bar from the loot of Hernán Cortés in Mexico

A gold bar found in the vicinity of the center of Mexico City in 1981 belonged to the war booty carried by the Spanish conquerors led by Hernán Cortés when they fled Greater Tenochtitlán in 1520, according to a new study released on Friday, January 11, 2020 The origin of the gold piece, found by a worker during excavations for a construction, had remained a mystery for almost four decades.

1,200 Students participate in the III edition of Arqueocerámica

1,200 Students participate in the III edition of Arqueocerámica

Arqueoceramica shows the process of making and decorating the ceramics of Talavera de la Reina, declared Intangible Heritage of Humanity. The Arqueoceramics Didactic Program will once again reach 1,200 students in 6th grade of Primary Education, in addition to the 2,400 participating students in the first two editions.

New evidence of the Mediterranean flood millions of years ago

New evidence of the Mediterranean flood millions of years ago

Under the waters of the Alboran Sea, and in the shadow of an underwater volcanic building, there is a body of sediment that would have accumulated during a great flood of the Mediterranean that occurred 5.3 million years ago that filled the basin of a partially dried sea These sediments are candidates to be incorporated into the list of new evidences found in recent years of the so-called mega-flood of the Zancliense, according to an article published in the journal Earth-Sciences Reviews.

Who was the Sphinx in Greek mythology?

Who was the Sphinx in Greek mythology?

The Sphinx is a female monster, daughter of Echidna and Typhus (or of Ortros and Echidna, in another version). It dwelt on Mount Phiceus, near Thebes. It had the head and torso of a woman, the body and claws of a lion, and the wings of an eagle. He would approach the travelers and propose a riddle that, if not solved, would cost the traveler his life.

Chrysomallo or Chrysomallon, the Golden Fleece

Chrysomallo or Chrysomallon, the Golden Fleece

Son of Poseidon and the nymph Theophane, Chrysomallo was a ram with golden wool better known as the Golden Fleece. As he flew, he carried Phryxus and his sister Hela when they fled from their stepmother Ino. Hela fell, giving the strait its name , but Phryxus, arriving at Colchis, sacrificed the ram to Zeus, giving the Golden Fleece to the king of the region, Aetes.

Who were the Giants in Greek mythology?

Who were the Giants in Greek mythology?

The Giants, according to Greek mythology, were huge beings born from the drops of blood of Uranus when he was mutilated by Cronos in the Creation myth that we find in Hesiod's 'Theogony'. Despite being of divine origin, they were mortal . When they rose up against Zeus trying to take Olympus, they were repelled by the Gods, but according to an oracle, they could not be defeated if a mortal did not intervene, along with the Gods.

They find the tomb of a pre-Roman prince with extraordinary pieces

They find the tomb of a pre-Roman prince with extraordinary pieces

Archaeologists discovered the tomb of a pre-Roman prince of the Iron Age in the Italian town Corinaldo, in the Marche region (Ancona province), reported Federica Boschi, of the University of Bologna, in a report published in the magazine Antiquity. The results of the excavation carried out by the ArcheoNevola multidisciplinary team determine that the tomb probably dates from the 7th century BC.

On February 28, the deadline for submitting candidatures for the III Edition of the Spanish Orders History Award ends

On February 28, the deadline for submitting candidatures for the III Edition of the Spanish Orders History Award ends

The deadline for the presentation of candidatures for the III Edition of the Spanish Orders History Award concludes on the 28th and the name of the winner will be known in April. It is an international award created in 2017 by the Spanish Orders from Santiago, Calatrava, Alcántara and Montesa, which was born with the vocation of becoming a benchmark in the science of history.

What the inner ear hides about the kinship between apes and humans

What the inner ear hides about the kinship between apes and humans

Reconstructing the evolutionary history of apes and humans and determining the morphology of the last common ancestor from which they evolved is a daunting task. Some molecular techniques such as DNA sequence analysis can only be applied to current or recently extinct species. In the more remote past, the scientific community has to turn to morphological data from fossils to assess the proximity between two species.

Biography of Margaret of Anjou, Queen of England

Biography of Margaret of Anjou, Queen of England

Margaret of Anjou (Lorraine, March 23, 1430 - Saumur, August 25, 1482), was a French noblewoman who, as the wife of Henry VI, was Queen of England. At the same time, she went down in history as one of the leaders of the Lancaster side in the War of the Two Roses, and was, in turn, a direct descendant of King Philip VI of Valois.

Car crashes into a moai on Easter Island causing

Car crashes into a moai on Easter Island causing "incalculable" damage

A Chilean resident of Rapa Nui was arrested last week after crashing his car into one of the emblematic Moai statues of Easter Island, destroying the platform on which it was located and causing "incalculable" damage to this world heritage site, according to denounced the Ma'u Henua indigenous community.

Status and hours of museums and cultural centers in Madrid due to the coronavirus

Status and hours of museums and cultural centers in Madrid due to the coronavirus

Update: all state museums closed until further notice The Ministry of Health has just announced that all the capital's museums will be closed to the public from tomorrow, March 12, and until further notice. This includes the following museums: Reina Sofía Prado Museum Thyssen Museum -BornemiszaNational Archaeological Museum Sorolla Museum America Museum Romanticism Museum National Museum of Decorative Arts Cerralbo Museum National Anthropology Museum Tobacco Costume Museum The new measures adopted by the Government to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, forces to modify the schedules and activities of the different museums and cultural centers of Madrid.

The world's smallest dinosaur discovered in amber in Myanmar

The world's smallest dinosaur discovered in amber in Myanmar

Archaeologists have found in amber, the smallest dinosaur in the world. The finding of fossil remains of soft tissue and even skeletons of tiny fauna is very rare, due to the delicate and small size of these animals. However, exceptionally these tiny Individuals, some from the age of dinosaurs, are preserved for millions of years in amber.

New edition of the free online courses dedicated to Velázquez and Bosco at the Prado Museum

New edition of the free online courses dedicated to Velázquez and Bosco at the Prado Museum

The Museo Nacional del Prado and Telefónica launch a new edition of the MOOCs dedicated to Velázquez and El Bosco, two massive and free online courses that analyze the professional careers of two great masters of world painting with exclusive Prado content available from today same.