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The mythological origin of the Mixtecs

The mythological origin of the Mixtecs

Before talking about the mythological origin of the Mixtecs, we must basically know who they were. By Mixtec civilization we understand the pre-Hispanic culture that emerged in the Middle Preclassic and ended with the Spanish conquest in the 16th century; however, archaeological remains have been found long before those dates and even the first cultivations date back to 5000 BC.

They find a great Mayan palace more than 1,000 years old

They find a great Mayan palace more than 1,000 years old

The discovery of the Mayan palace, a large architectural structure, occurred in the ancient city of Kulubá, near Cancun, in eastern Mexico, according to the Sputnik digital portal. The remains are six meters high, 55 meters long and 15 meters high. Wide. In addition, it has six chambers and it seems that it was inhabited for two long periods, between 600-900 AD.

List of pre-Columbian cultures. Which were?

List of pre-Columbian cultures. Which were?

According to the definition, pre-Columbian cultures are those that were found in America before the Spanish conquest, settling in these lands since several millennia before Christ These cultures, as was the case with others throughout the planet, were subdivided according to degree development and thus we find the so-called high cultures, which arose mainly in Mesoamerica and the Andes, highlighting among them the three great cultures: Incas, Mayas and Aztecs.

Vikings return to dominate popular culture in 2020

Vikings return to dominate popular culture in 2020

Vikings return to video games in 2020 As previously announced here, the next Assassin's Creed will be set in the Viking age, leaving very high expectations regarding the historical reconstruction and setting of the game. According to the online platform IGN, an Assassin's Creed of Vikings could close the circle of the franchise, as the Viking age spanned roughly from 793 to 1066 AD.

Neanderthals dived several meters to collect shells

Neanderthals dived several meters to collect shells

In 1949 a group of archaeologists unearthed 171 seashells in the Grotta dei Moscerini cave (Italy), all of a local species of mollusk called the smooth clam (Callista chione), which Neanderthals (Homo neanderthalensis) had collected and turned into tools some time ago. 90,000 years ago Now, a study by the University of Colorado (USA) has revealed that these hominids not only caught them from the beach, but also dived to find the perfect shell.

The Mayan Worldview

The Mayan Worldview

Our universe, according to the Mayans, was preceded by three others, which disappeared in individual world cataclysms, which will also happen to ours. In the first epoch, the Dwarves lived; in the second the Dzolob; in the third the Mayas and in the fourth, ours, all the previous peoples coexist.

III Edition of the Spanish Orders History Prize

III Edition of the Spanish Orders History Prize

The Spanish Orders of Santiago, Calatrava, Alcántara and Montesa, institutions with a long tradition whose work at the service of culture is one of their distinctive features, will fail this year the III edition of the Spanish Orders History Award. It is an award created in 2017, which was born with the vocation of becoming a benchmark in the science of history, both in the academic field and in society.

They find fossils of a great white shark in Miramar

They find fossils of a great white shark in Miramar

The white shark is the most famous fish species for being one of the marine predators with an imposing build and having an extensive record of attacks on human beings. It is undoubtedly one of the largest species of sharks, reaching 6 meters in length.A peculiar and accidental paleontological find made by two neighbors in the seaside resort of Miramar, demonstrates the presence of this curious marine predator from recently identified fossils .

Greek mythology: who was Demeter?

Greek mythology: who was Demeter?

Daughter of Cronos and Rhea, Demeter was one of the twelve Olympian Divinities, sister of Zeus, Hera, Hestia, Poseidon and Hades. Third generation successor of the Mother Goddess and of the Earth (first it had been Gea, and second Rea), it represented the Earth in its fertile aspect, protector of agriculture and civilization; confused in their attributions with the Goddess Cybele that they worshiped in Asia Minor.

Who was Eurydice? Orpheus's wife

Who was Eurydice? Orpheus's wife

Eurydice was the wife of Orpheus in Greek mythology, and is an important part of the myth of this character.Eurydice's StoryWhile she was walking with the Nymphs, she was bitten by a snake and died. Orpheus tried to rescue her by descending into Hades. Thrilling the infernal Gods with his music and song, he was allowed to take Eurydice out on one condition, he should not try to see her until he reached the surface.

Who is the god Helios? The Sun in Greek Mythology

Who is the god Helios? The Sun in Greek Mythology

In Greek mythology, Helios is the personification of the Sun. He was the son of the Titan Hyperion and his sister Teya, brother of Selene (the Moon) and Eos (the Aurora). Joined the Oceanid Perse had Circe (a sorceress who lived on the island of Ea, where he retained Ulysses on his return to Ithaca), Aeetes (king of Colchis, possessor of the Golden Fleece, who was sought by Jason the Argonauts) and father of Medea, Absyrtus and Calciope).

James Holland Biography

James Holland Biography

James Holland is a historian and writer. Holland is one of the new generation of brilliant historians who is redefining what we know about the 20th century, in this case World War II, with a powerful and narrative style. He is the author of numerous specialized books. in World War II, as his latest installment, 'The Rise of Germany', and has created, directed and presented numerous programs and historical series on the BBC, Channel 4, National Geographic, History and Discovery.

The Netherlands returns the dagger of the Javanese resistance hero to Indonesia

The Netherlands returns the dagger of the Javanese resistance hero to Indonesia

The Dutch authorities returned to Indonesia the dagger of the 19th century Javanese resistance hero Prince Diponegoro, which is inlaid with gold and has been lost for many years.Ingrid Van Engelshoven, Minister of Education, Culture and Science from the Netherlands, returned this kris to the Indonesian ambassador to that European territory, I Gusti Agung Wesaka Puja, after "a thorough investigation" made it possible to certify its authenticity.

Former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak dies

Former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak dies

Former President Hosni Mubarak, who ruled for 30 years and was overthrown in 2011, has died at the age of 91, Egyptian media report. The cause of death is unknown at the moment, but at the end of January 2020 his son, Alaa Mubarak, He noted through his Twitter account that the ex-president underwent surgery and was in a "stable" condition, although he did not provide details about the surgical intervention.

A sword that was believed medieval, turns out to be one of the oldest in the world

A sword that was believed medieval, turns out to be one of the oldest in the world

A 5,000-year-old sword was discovered in an Armenian monastery in the Italian city of Venice, according to a statement issued this Friday by Ca 'Foscari University. It was during a visit to the Museum of Saint Lazarus of the Armenians that Vittoria Dall 'Armellina, a doctoral student and specialist in the evolution of these weapons in the ancient Middle East, found the sword in a collection of medieval objects.


Manuscript "The Gospels of Saint Augustine" (end of the 6th century)

The manuscript "The Gospels of Saint Augustine" is a work that is in the Parker Library of Corpus Christi College of the University of Cambridge. In turn, it is guarded there by the writer Christopher de Hamel, and added to his work " Great medieval manuscripts «. Medieval manuscript« The Gospels of Saint Augustine »This is a book worked in Italy and presumably brought to England by Saint Augustine of Canterbury, either during his evangelization of Great Britain in 597 or received from the Pope Gregory the Great in 601.

Biography of the goddess Diana (Artemis). Who was?

Biography of the goddess Diana (Artemis). Who was?

Diana, whose name in Rome is Artemis, was the daughter of Zeus and Leto, and the twin sister of Apollo, being one of the 12 main Deities of Olympus. She represents the young woman full of strength and health. She was born in Delos where her mother, persecuted through Hera, he found refuge and then assisted his mother in the delivery of his brother Apollo, later living in Arcadia where he was dedicated to hunting, with an entourage of 60 Oceanids and 20 Nymphs.

Santa Eansvida's remains found in England

Santa Eansvida's remains found in England

A team of British archaeologists managed to identify remains preserved in a church in Folkestone, in the south-east of England, as belonging to Saint Eansvida, an Anglo-Saxon princess who lived between approximately 630 and 650 years and played a key role in the Christianization of Great Brittany.

Joaquín Peiró, former Atlético de Madrid footballer and former Málaga coach, dies

Joaquín Peiró, former Atlético de Madrid footballer and former Málaga coach, dies

Joaquín Peiró, who was an Atlético de Madrid player and Málaga coach, died this Wednesday at the age of 84. The former footballer suffered from Alzheimer's for years and was admitted to a residence. Joaquín Peiró made his debut at Atlético de Madrid in 1954, where He played for seven seasons, scoring nearly 100 goals.

They discover a creature that could be the ancestor of most animals, including humans

They discover a creature that could be the ancestor of most animals, including humans

A geology team led by the University of California at Riverside (USA) has discovered the first common ancestor of most animals known today, including humans. The results have been published in the journal PNAS. The fossil was discovered in Nilpena, in the interior of southern Australia and, according to the dating of the rocks in which it was found, it is more than 555 million years old, during the Proterozoic eon.