Category: Collections

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The Prado Museum presents after its restoration The Annunciation by Fra Angelico

The Prado Museum presents after its restoration The Annunciation by Fra Angelico

Andrés Úbeda, Deputy Director of Conservation of the Prado Museum; Simonetta Brandolini, President of Friends of Florence; and Christina Simmons, Executive Director of the American Friends of the Prado Museum, presented this morning The Annunciation, core of the exhibition “Fra Angelico and the origin of the Florentine Renaissance”, after its recent restoration, together with Fernando García, President of the Foundation Iberdrola España, Protector member of the Prado Museum Restoration Program.

The KAS approved the reconstruction of the central chamber of the Parthenon in Greece

The KAS approved the reconstruction of the central chamber of the Parthenon in Greece

After a long session, the Central Archaeological Council of the Greek Ministry of Culture (KAS), authorized the restoration of parts of the central chamber of the Parthenon, the best known site of the Acropolis of Athens. The chamber, called "cella" or " naos ”, was the sacred point in the temples of Ancient Greece and the place where the statue of the god or goddess to whom the place was dedicated was located.

«Let's clean the saw» 2019, in the Sierra de Atapuerca

«Let's clean the saw» 2019, in the Sierra de Atapuerca

Tomorrow, Thursday, May 16, the Sierra de Atapuerca will host the annual “Let's Clean the Sierra” conference, a coexistence activity between the students of the Puentesaúco Education Center (Fundación Aspanias Burgos) and the IES López de Mendoza. The initiative is promoted by Obra Social “la Caixa” and the Caja Burgos Foundation.

Benidorm awards the archaeological intervention in El Castell and El Tossal

Benidorm awards the archaeological intervention in El Castell and El Tossal

The Benidorm Local Government Board has awarded the work contracts to intervene archaeologically in El Castell and El Tossal. These projects are financed by European funds for a total amount of 705,000 euros, through the line of aid for protection or recovery Valencian cultural heritage of the ERDF Operational Program 2014-2020.

Concept of civilization: definition and characteristics

Concept of civilization: definition and characteristics

Derived from the Latin 'civitas' and this in turn from 'civis', represents the inhabitant of a city, the term civilization arises from the hand of the French encyclopedists in the 18th century as a concept opposed to barbarism (for them there were progressive peoples or civilized and barbarian or primitive peoples).

The oldest Madonna in the world dates from the 3rd century and is in the Catacombs of Priscilla in Rome

The oldest Madonna in the world dates from the 3rd century and is in the Catacombs of Priscilla in Rome

The oldest image in the world of the Virgin, dating from the 3rd century, is preserved in Rome 20 meters underground in one of the cubicles of the catacombs of Priscilla, in the ancient basilica of San Silvestro, on Via Salaria, in Villa Ada complex. This image is almost unknown to the general public despite its exceptional importance and in which historians and archaeologists agree that it is the effigy of the oldest Virgin.

Baryonyx, the 'heavy claw' piscivorous dinosaur

Baryonyx, the 'heavy claw' piscivorous dinosaur

Baryonyx Sheet Translation: Walker's heavy claw Description: Carnivore, biped, semi-quadruped Order: Saurischia Suborder: Theropoda Family: Spinosauridae Height: 1.8 meters Length: 9.1 meters Weight: 1,814 kg Period: Early Cretaceous, and had the most enormous curved Baryx claw discovered in southern England. 30 cm long on each leg.

Describe the evolutionary dynamics of North American mammals

Describe the evolutionary dynamics of North American mammals

A study by researchers from the University of Malaga, Borja Figueirido, Paul Palmqvist and Juan Antonio Pérez Claros, showed in 2011 that the fossil record of North American mammals can be summarized in six major faunal associations, which occur throughout of time during the Cenozoic, last 66 million years.

History of tarot cards

History of tarot cards

Tarot cards have been with us for centuries, being used by good seers as well as by occultists and passionate in the occult arts, usually as a method of divination of the future, in an action known as fortune telling. We all know them, but do we do we know what is the origin of the tarot cards?

The Roman treasure of Tomares has a value of almost half a million euros

The Roman treasure of Tomares has a value of almost half a million euros

The Tomares treasure, accidentally located on April 27, 2016 during electrical pipeline work in the Olivar del Zaudín metropolitan park in the Sevillian municipality, is made up of 53,208 Roman coins from the 3rd and 4th centuries and has a value of 468,230 euros. This is the conclusion of the study carried out by a commission of experts in charge of its appraisal with a view to determining the legal prize that could correspond to the discoverers of the finding.

Dinosaurs: Bellusaurus, the

Dinosaurs: Bellusaurus, the "fine" lizard

Bellusaurus fileTranslation: the «fine lizard» Description: Herbivore, quadruped Order: Saurischia Suborder: SauropodomorphaInfraorder: SauropodaFamily: Cetiosauridae (not confirmed) Height: 1.80 metersLength: 5 metersWeight: 500 kilosPeriod is the only known species of the middle Jurassic genus Bellusa Bellusaurus fossil that lived in the mid-Jurassic period, approximately 170 million years ago, in what is now Asia.

‘Minotaur’: the animated short that revises the myth seeks patrons

‘Minotaur’: the animated short that revises the myth seeks patrons

The story of the Minotaur has been made into animated films by the production company Perruncho Studio. Now they have started a crowdfunding campaign to distribute the short film to festivals around the world. “Minotauro” is a short film that reinterprets the original story. In the same way in which the ancient aedos adapted the stories to their audience, it uses the myth without losing fidelity to reflect on the distance that exists between a legend and the real events that occurred and deals with topics such as seclusion, hunger, loneliness, political pragmatism or the rejection of the different.

Pottery was not an exclusive activity of women a thousand years ago

Pottery was not an exclusive activity of women a thousand years ago

Throughout history, we have assumed that certain tasks have been performed based on gender. For example, it is believed that in hunter-gatherer societies men hunted and women gathered for food; however, many of these claims are based on assumptions, as direct evidence from archaeological sites is scarce.

Decipher how the Pleistocene glaciations determine the distribution of species in Europe

Decipher how the Pleistocene glaciations determine the distribution of species in Europe

A group of researchers, in which the National Museum of Natural Sciences (MNCN-CSIC) and the University of Alcalá collaborate, has analyzed how the glaciations that occurred during the Pleistocene (between 2 million and 21,000 years ago) influenced the distribution Specifically, they have worked with the Coleoptera genus Carabus and have verified that the glaciations caused the mixture of species of different lineages and a distribution based on responses to climate in the north and geographical features in the south.

New paleontological excavation in Igea (La Rioja)

New paleontological excavation in Igea (La Rioja)

The team that during 2018 excavated the paleontological site "Garras" in Igea, La Rioja, has returned to work urgently on Friday, July 5, given the risk of looting and deterioration, and with the support and authorizations of the Service of Heritage Conservation, the Igea City Council and the General Directorate of Culture and Tourism of the Government of La Rioja.

Another ancient tower in Ghazni collapses in Afghanistan

Another ancient tower in Ghazni collapses in Afghanistan

The "heavy rains" have caused an old protection tower in the Afghan city of Ghazni to collapse, local government sources explained, although local residents denounce the negligence of the authorities to preserve the site, one of the most affected by the fighting with the Taliban.

Edward O. Thorp: the man who discovered that blackjack is not just a game of chance

Edward O. Thorp: the man who discovered that blackjack is not just a game of chance

Edward Oakley Thorp is considered by many to be the "father of card counting theory" in the board game twenty-one. Furthermore, he was the first mathematical scientist to discover and prove that the famous casino game was not 100 percent dependent on chance, which is why he was dubbed the "Einstein of blackjack."

Brachylophosaurus canadensis Dinosaur

Brachylophosaurus canadensis Dinosaur

Brachylophosaurus fact sheet Translation: 'short-crested lizard' Description: Herbivore, biped Order: Ornithischia Suborder: Ornithopoda Infringement: Iguanodontia Family: Hadrosauridae Height: 3.7 meters Length: 9-11 meters Upper weight: 7,000 full Cretaceous from Alberta, Montana material found in Canada Almost 7,000 kg Upper Cretaceous, Perforated in Canada , Brachylophosaurus is the only species in the genus Brachylophosaurus, a hadrosaurid that lived in the late Cretaceous period.

Oldest human fossil outside of Africa found in Greece

Oldest human fossil outside of Africa found in Greece

In 1978, scientists from the Museum of Anthropology of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens began investigations in the Apidima cave, in southern Greece. During these excavations, the fragmented remains of two fossilized skulls were found, called Apidima 1 and Apidima 2. However, at that time, the fossils could neither be analyzed nor accurately dated due to the absence of an associated archaeological context.

An Egyptian papyrus reveals the world's oldest Christian letter

An Egyptian papyrus reveals the world's oldest Christian letter

A researcher has announced that he has found the first known Christian letter, which was written in Roman Egypt in the 3rd century AD. The contents of this letter are challenging assumptions about the early followers of Jesus Christ and their world.The rare autographed letter that is written on papyrus is part of the famous collection of the University of Basel.