History of Sachem - History

History of Sachem - History

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(Slp.: a. 10 guns)

Continental brigantine, Lexington, commanded by Capt. John Barry, captured sloop, Edward, a tender to British frigate, Liverpool, off the Delaware capes on 7 April 1776, after a fierce, one-hour fight. Lexington escorted her prize to Philadelphia where Edward was libeled on the 13th, condemned on the 29th, and purchased by the Marine Committee of the Continental Congress on 2 May. Renamed Sachem, the sloop was fitted out under the direction of 17-year-old Joshua Barney who received his commission as a lieutenant while the ship was being prepared for sea. Shortly before Sachem was ready for action, Capt. Isaiah Robinson assumed command of the sloop.

On 6 July, Sachem, carrying dispatches for Barry who was patrolling the mouth of the bay, dropped down the Delaware. The orders directed Barry to put to sea in Lexington. Since Barry declined the suggestion that the two ships cruise together, they parted after clearing the capes. On 12 August, Sachem fought brigantine, Three Friends, for over two hours before the British letter of marque surrendered.

Robinson sent the prize to Philadelphia for adjudication and, since Sachem had suffered substantial damage in the battle, she followed Three Friends into port for repairs.

After Sachem was back in fighting trim, she was placed under the direction of the Secret Committee which handled procurement matters for the Continental Congress. Few details of her subsequent operations have survived. It is known that she sailed for the West Indies on 29 March 1777 carrying dispatches for William gingham, the Continental agent in Martinique. These letters were duplicates of earlier messages which had gone astray when frigate, Randolph, was diverted to Charleston, S. C., for repairs after losing two masts.

It is said that Sachem was burned in the Delaware River the following autumn to avoid capture by the British, but evidence to substantiate this claim is scanty.

Squaw Sachem

When the first English colonists arrived in the Boston area, the only inhabitants of the region were members of the Massachuset tribe. The Massachuset occupied valleys of the Charles and Neponset Rivers in eastern Massachusetts, including the present site of Arlington, which the natives called Menotomy , meaning place of swiftly running water . The name Massachuset means those of the great hills , probably with reference to the ring of hills surrounding the Boston Basin.

In 1614, when Captain John Smith explored the coast of New England, there may have been as many as 3,000 Massachuset living in 20 villages around Boston Bay. They were divided into six sub-tribes named after their chiefs or sachems. Between 1614 and 1617, disaster struck in the form of three separate epidemics of European diseases. During the same period, the Abenaki tribe from the north attacked the Massachuset villages.

Squaw Sachem
The hereditary chief of the sub-tribe that occupied Menotomy was a woman whose full name is unknown. Her husband was Nanapeshemet (New Moon), one of the greatest sachems in New England, ruling over a larger area than any other. She married him sometime between 1600 and 1608, when her first son was born. They had three sons and a daughter during the next ten years.

When Nanapashemet’s enemies began their relentless assault on the coastal villages of Massachuset Federation territory, Nanapashemet sent his wife and four children inland for protection. After Nanaspashemet’s death, his wife and children came out of hiding, and she took over his former domain.

It was a customary sign of respect for the Massachuset to avoid speaking the real name of their sachems. They referred to them only by their titles. It was because of that respect that we know Nanapashemet’s wife only by her title, Squaw Sachem. In the Eastern Algonquian language of the Massachuset her name translates simply as female chief.

Squaw Sachem and her young children must have come home to a horrible sight. Not only had they lost their beloved husband and father, but entire villages of their people had been wiped out by a devastating plague. Those who survived were ravaged by war. Where five years earlier an entire culture of people thrived in magnificent numbers, there was only desolation. Only 500 Massachuset were left in the immediate area, and smallpox killed many of these in 1633.

But Squaw Sachem pressed on. Her territory extended from Charlestown to Concord and up to Marblehead, and she ruled over the Massachuset Federation of Tribes. She rose to prominence as the most important Massachuset leader of her era.

Plymouth colony settlers moving westward among the Massachuset at Wessagusset established the first English settlement in the area in 1622. These and other early settlers established close relations with influential Massachuset leaders like Squaw Sachem.

She extended her authority through her sons. One of her sons, Wonohaquaham, known to the English as Sagamore John, headed a Massachuset community on the Mystic River. Two others, Montowampate, called Sagamore James by the English, and Wenepoykin or Sagamore George, were chiefs of Pawtucket communities at Saugus and Salem.

Sometime in the 1620s, Squaw Sachem married Webcowit , the great physician of her nation, but retained her power. She conducted raids against tribes that tried to encroach on her territory. These raids ceased after 1625, because her tribe was then too small for such aggressive action.

To survive, she had to establish a friendly relationship with the English colonists. Her oldest son gave the English the right to settle in the area of Charlestown along the Charles River in 1627. He died a few years later from smallpox, as did one of her other sons, and the youngest was badly disfigured.

Mistick Land
In 1639, Squaw Sachem and Webcowit signed over to the English a large tract of land “within the bounds of Watertown Cambridge and Boston.” She marked the treaty with the symbol of a bow and arrow. This is the text of the agreement by which she sold Menotomy and adjacent land to the colonists:

The 15th of the 2d month, 1639.
We Webcowit and Squaw Sachem do sell unto the Inhabitants of the Towne of Charlestown, all the land within the line granted them by the court, (excepting the farms and the ground, on the west of the two great Ponds called Mistick ponds, from the south side of Mr. Nowell’s lot, near the upper end of the Ponds, unto the little runnet that cometh from Capt. Cook’s mills, which the Squaw reserveth to their use, for her life, for the Indians to plant and hunt upon, and the weare above the ponds, they also reserve for the Indians to fish at whilest the Squaw liveth, and after the death of Squaw Sachem, she doth leave all her lands from Mr. Mayhue’s house to near Salem to the present Governor, Mr. John Winthrop, Senior, Mr. Increase Nowell, Mr. John Wilson, Mr. Edward Gibbons to dispose of, and all Indians to depart, and for satisfaction from Charlestown, we acknowledge to have received in full satisfaction, twenty and one coats, nineteen fathom of wampum, and three bushels of corn.
In witness whereof we have here unto set our hands the day and year above named,
the mark of Squaw Sachem, the mark of Webcowit.

There are records of several other sales of land by the Squaw Sachem and Webcowit to the English settlers. In addition to the proceeds from such sales, they received help and goods from the settlers.

In May 1640, Cambridge was ordered to give the Squaw Sachem a coat every winter for life. On September 4, 1640, she sold Mistick Ponds and a large tract of land now included in Sommerville, to Jotham Gibbons, of Boston, at that time she called herself Squaw Sachem of Mistick .

In 1641, Cambridge was enjoined to give her 35 bushels of corn and four coats (for two years). In 1643, the court granted her gunpowder and shot and ordered “her piece to be mended.” In 1644, she signed a treaty of submission to the English, agreeing to place her land and people under the control of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, and consented to have her subjects instructed in the Bible.

She lost her sight and hearing in 1662, and had a stroke that completely paralyzed her in 1667, the year of her death.

Squaw Sachem of Mistick died circa 1667. She was buried in what is now Medford, the exact location unknown.

No organized groups of the Massachuset are known to have survived after 1800.

There are 54 census records available for the last name Sachem. Like a window into their day-to-day life, Sachem census records can tell you where and how your ancestors worked, their level of education, veteran status, and more.

There are 39 immigration records available for the last name Sachem. Passenger lists are your ticket to knowing when your ancestors arrived in the USA, and how they made the journey - from the ship name to ports of arrival and departure.

There are 95 military records available for the last name Sachem. For the veterans among your Sachem ancestors, military collections provide insights into where and when they served, and even physical descriptions.

There are 54 census records available for the last name Sachem. Like a window into their day-to-day life, Sachem census records can tell you where and how your ancestors worked, their level of education, veteran status, and more.

There are 39 immigration records available for the last name Sachem. Passenger lists are your ticket to knowing when your ancestors arrived in the USA, and how they made the journey - from the ship name to ports of arrival and departure.

There are 95 military records available for the last name Sachem. For the veterans among your Sachem ancestors, military collections provide insights into where and when they served, and even physical descriptions.

HAVENS Weekender | Sachem's Head, Conn.

SACHEM'S HEAD takes its name from a violent part of its history. A 1637 skirmish between the Mohegan Indians, allied with the English, and the Pequots on what is now Bloody Cove Beach led to the beheading of a Pequot sachem, or chief. More than two centuries later, this small promontory jutting out from the jagged Connecticut shoreline started growing as a vacation community. Nearly all of its summer cottages have been winterized or renovated, and many weekenders have grown so fond of Sachem's Head that they now live there year-round.

Sachem's Head is a tiny peninsula, just 600 acres, but it includes beach, bluff, rock, forest and salt marsh. It remains tranquil and remote, saved from overdevelopment by a scattering of wetlands where building is prohibited.

''It's the rocky coast of Maine without being in Maine,'' said James Quinlivan, a chef who bought the Stone House Restaurant at nearby Guilford Harbor three years ago. ''It's gorgeous. It's phenomenal.''

Sachem's Head is in the town of Guilford. Geographically, it includes the peninsula from Great Harbor on the west to Indian Cove on the east, said Joel Helander, the town historian. But some consider it the smaller area defined by the Sachem's Head Association, which was chartered in 1921.

The association covers about 120 homes, whose residents pay a separate property tax in addition to town taxes. The association collects garbage and sets speed limits it also owns some tennis courts, a pier and part of Bloody Cove Beach.

Homes on the peninsula are varied and expensive, and include original cottages, remodeled houses and new homes, said Karen Stephens, a broker with Page-Taft Real Estate in Guilford. Because of the rugged landscape, even homes not on the water have lovely water views. The terrain is both high and low. ''Some homes sit up high, and little streets lead down to the water,'' Ms. Stephens said. Many have landscaped lawns, with glades of trees, rock gardens and clipped hedges.

Houses on the market include a four-bedroom with its own small beach and an asking price of $1 million, a three-bedroom with a pond for $875,000, a four-bedroom Colonial for $427,500, a six-bedroom modern Victorian with a beach and dock for $3.675 million, and a three-bedroom Victorian not yet winterized for $1.487 million.

Sachem's Head has no commercial activity, so residents must head into Guilford, known for its collection of historic buildings and its large town green ringed by churches, town offices and upscale shops. Guilford residents can use the town's shoreline beach and marina, both east of Sachem's Head.

For local produce, Bishops Orchards, once a farmstand, is a huge draw. The Guilford Food Center also sells local produce. Near the town marina, Mr. Quinlivan's Stone House Restaurant serves oysters, clams and lobsters from local waters.

Adjacent to Sachem's Head are some smaller, less expensive communities -- Mulberry Point, Tuttles Point and Indian Cove -- that also started out as summer colonies. Each has its own association that maintains the private roads and beaches. For example, Tuttles Point, the smallest area, has approximately 45 homes.

''On a busy day, like July 4, there might be 10 or 12 people on the beach,'' said Beryl B. Weinstein, treasurer of the Tuttles Point beach and improvement associations. His family bought its house as a vacation home, then moved in permanently. A cozy two-bedroom Tuttles Point bungalow is on the market for $300,000.

Some of Sachem's Head weekenders discovered it while seeking less frenetic alternatives to more obvious weekend places, like the Hamptons.

For nearly two decades, Brenda and Edward Shaffro owned a second home in Easthampton, but found their surroundings increasingly chaotic. ''It was like living in another New York borough,'' Mrs. Shaffro said. ''My husband made up his mind after seeing two grown men fighting over a parking place.''

After visiting friends nearby, the couple bought a vacation home on the water in Sachem's Head. ''It had the calmness Easthampton had when we first moved out there,'' Mrs. Shaffro said. ''Today, we were watching the cranes take their babies out.'' The Shaffros just sold their Upper West Side apartment and moved to Sachem's Head full time.

They find the neighbors welcoming and helpful. ''We had an accident on the road in the winter,'' Mrs. Shaffro said. ''There wasn't one car that didn't stop.''

Find out what's happening in Sachem with free, real-time updates from Patch.

Included in the book are chapters broken down by decades, statistics going back to as long as they were kept, a complete run down of all former letter winners and every bit of interesting information about the Sachem football program.

If you want to learn about the day Sachem beat East Islip and future NFL quarterback Boomer Esiason in 1978, it's there. If you're wondering what it was like when Fusaro took the program over in 1971, your questions will be answered. You'll learn about the Goliath characters from the program's past like Jumbo Elliott, James O'Neal, Neal Heaton, Doug Shanahan and Brian Dehler.

Sachem Baseball Coaching Legend Bill Batewell Dies

On the same day the world mourned the loss of baseball icon Hank Aaron, Sachem and Long Island lost local coaching legend Bill Batewell. He died battling both COVID-19 and cancer on Friday, January 22. [&hellip]

USS Sachem Ruins

The Celt, USS Sachem, USS Phenakite, Sightseer, and the Circle Line V. No matter what this ruinous ship was once called, it is now simply the Ghost Ship.

Abandoned in Petersburg, Kentucky, off of Lawrenceburg Ferry Road in 1987, the ship that is now a favorite destination for kayakers was once an award winning navy ship that served proudly during both world wars. It served as a backdrop in a Madonna video, shuttled Thomas Edison about while he conducted war experiments, and attended Ronald Reagan’s re-lighting of the Statue of Liberty’s torch. So how did this celebrity vessel end up forgotten in the murky depths of the Ohio River?

Launched in 1902, the ship was originally intended as a luxury ride for a railroad mogul. 186 ft. of opulent yacht, the steam powered ship was a toy for the rich. Christened The Celt, a change of owners led to her second naming, the Sachem.

The Sachem became the USS Sachem when war erupted and the Navy acquired the small, speedy vessel to combat the German U-boats and countless submarines wreaking havoc on British-American supply lines. Manned with machine guns and depth charges, the USS Sachem became a secret weapon, but it wasn’t quite enough to keep the enemy at bay, so they turned to a great mind of the time for new innovative answers. That is when the USS Sachem became the place that Thomas Edison worked his magic.

Edison used the ship as a place to conduct his experiments on creative ways to destroy the sub threats. Unfortunately, Edison found the military stifling and after a difficult relationship, lost his funding (and his fancy war yacht) in 1918. The war ended, and the Navy returned the ship to its civilian owner.

Her next life was as a fishing vessel in New York, but that quiet, recreational incarnation didn’t last long, as the Sachem was once again called into duty. This time, the Japanese had done the unthinkable and attacked the U.S. on home soil when a successful surprise attack on Pearl Harbor thrust the U.S. head first into WWII. With new, shiny armaments, sonar equipment and a fancy new name, the USS Phenakite was once again rented by the Navy to guard the home front from the dastardly U-boats.

The vessel was once again returned after the war ended, never to be used in battle again. After serving in two wars, the ship was once again the Sachem, and sailed away from the conflicts with an American Campaign Medal and two Victory Medals, on from each world war. Purchased in the late 40s by a quickly-growing cruise line in New York City, the Sachem became a recreational vessel once again, starting her career as a cruise ship under the name Sightseer, and eventually ending it as its final identity, the Circle Line V, which is the faded name that can still be found on her hull today.

The cruise line eventually petered out, and the ship that had seen so much became outdated and obsolete. After being purchased and fixed up by private owner Robert Miller in 1986, the Circle Line V enjoyed one last hurrah when a representative for Madonna spotted the ship and asked if it could be used as part of a backdrop in the singer’s “Papa Don’t Preach” video. The pop music cameo was the final adventure for the eclectic but worn down vessel, and after being navigated down the Mississippi by Miller and his crew, she was anchored on a small tributary of the Ohio River on Miller’s property, never to sail again.

Know Before You Go

FROM I-275
Take exit 11 toward Petersburg
Merge onto KY-8 W/Idlewild Bypass W
Continue straight onto KY-20/Petersburg Rd
Turn right onto Lawrenceburg Ferry Rd
Destination will be on the left


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Metacom, also called Metacomet, King Philip, or Philip of Pokanoket, (born c. 1638, Massachusetts—died August 12, 1676, Rhode Island), sachem (intertribal leader) of a confederation of indigenous peoples that included the Wampanoag and Narraganset. Metacom led one of the most costly wars of resistance in New England history, known as King Philip’s War (1675–76).

Metacom was the second son of Massasoit, a Wampanoag sachem who had managed to keep peace with the English colonizers of Massachusetts and Rhode Island for many decades. Upon Massasoit’s death (1661) and that of his eldest son, Wamsutta (English name Alexander), the following year, Metacom became sachem. He succeeded to the position during a period characterized by increasing exchanges of Indian land for English guns, ammunition, liquor, and blankets. He recognized that these sales threatened indigenous sovereignty and was further disconcerted by the humiliations to which he and his people were continually subjected by the colonizers. He was, for example, summoned to Taunton in 1671 and required to sign a new peace agreement that included the surrender of Indian guns.

Metacom’s dignity and steadfastness both impressed and frightened the settlers, who eventually demonized him as a menace that could not be controlled. For 13 years he kept the region’s towns and villages on edge with the fear of an Indian uprising. Finally, in June 1675, violence erupted when three Wampanoag warriors were executed by Plymouth authorities for the murder of John Sassamon, a tribal informer. Metacom’s coalition, comprising the Wampanoag, Narraganset, Abenaki, Nipmuc, and Mohawk, was at first victorious. However, after a year of savage fighting during which some 3,000 Indians and 600 colonists were killed, food became scarce, and the indigenous alliance began to disintegrate. Seeing that defeat was imminent, Metacom returned to his ancestral home at Mount Hope, where he was betrayed by an informer and killed in a final battle. He was beheaded and quartered and his head displayed on a pole for 25 years at Plymouth.

At a Glimpse . Sachem's Hockey History

Sachem hockey has existed since 1973 and in that time there hasn't been extensive history recorded.

As part of Sachem Patch's quest to learn and report on interesting elements of the Sachem community from time-to-time, here's what we learned about Sachem hockey .

Current club president Neal Greenburg said the program was started by Rich Lowis and coached for the first time in '73 by Charlie Dewire, a former physical education teacher in the Sachem Central School District.

History of Sachem - History

Walkingfox carries the Sacred fire from the Creator

Images created for Sachem Walkingfox are copyrighted

Beginning with the first Sachem
of the Mohegan People, Uncas and
continuing through the present leader
of the Storey Clan, Walkingfox,
the Mohegans have always lived
on Turtle Island in Native Country.

The name Mohegan means Wolf.

We wish to continue to live in peace and harmony with Mother Earth and Father Sky, enjoying the land of our ancestors,
without outside interference.
Tawbutni - Thank You
Aquine - Peace

Mohegans are the Wolf People

Mohegans are one of the Algonquin speaking Nations.
The Wolf people did not come from India.
The word Indian, is just one of the many words our Conquerors,
the Dutch and the English used to complete our genocide.
We the Mohegan Nation are proud American Natives.

Indian Leap Falls in Norwich,
the City of Kings,

The signature of Sachem Uncas

From the Arizona State University Archives:

For reasons unknown, the University of Connecticut
has removed their web page about the
signatures of Connecticut Sachems.

Embarrassingly, but thankfully,
the University of Arizona remains
as the single source for this valuable
information about my Mohegan Ancestors.

*Just in case this last source also disappears,*
as so many have concerning Native people,
we have backed up the page here:

Watch the video: New Englands First Conflict - The Pequot War, Part 1: Origins