They recover numerous fossils of three million years in Miramar, Argentina

They recover numerous fossils of three million years in Miramar, Argentina

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In a paleontological survey with the team of researchers from the Miramar "Punta Hermengo" Museum of Natural Sciences, the discovery of some thirty paleontological samples of great scientific valueAmong them, there is one that could be unique in the world.

Days ago, and after a storm, local museum staff explored well-known sites and with a older than 3 million years, corresponding to the geological epoch known as Pliocene. "We found in a platform a wide diversity of organisms that lived and formed a primitive ecosystem that has already disappeared", commented Mariano Magnussen Saffer, from the paleontology laboratory of the local museum, and added; "These findings continue to demonstrate the global scientific potential of our region."

Among the recovered materials, bird fossils could be identified (flightless), reptiles (lizards over one meter), glyptodont remains (rigid-shelled armadillos) and large extinct sloths, remains of various carnivores marsupials (similar to possums), a carnivore procyonid distant and extinct relative of raccoons and cuatíes), two species of armadillos of important dimensions, several skulls of rodents without current representatives in the region, small notoungulates, and an endless number of samples that are already in the Mirarama museum to be prepared and studied in conjunction with scientists from the Azara Foundation, Maimonides University, Argentine Museum of Natural Sciences and Conicet respectively.

In addition, other infrequent finds were made in these sediments, such as a significant amount of coprolites (feces or fossilized excrement), easy to recognize due to their high calcium content, crushed bones inside and with a phosphate matrix. "We also found other types of ichnifossils, such as caves with fillings and in some cases with remains of their ancient inhabitants, and some more curiosities that are under study," said Daniel Boh, head of the local museum.

The Miramar Museum of Natural Sciences was recently inaugurated from previous collections. In this way, has become one of the most outstanding educational and scientific institutions in Argentina for its quality of exhibitions, number of visitors, scientific and consultation collections.

In addition, the public visiting the museum can observe the fossil preparation work in the laboratory and admire the latest discoveries like this one.

Via: Miramar Museum

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