The Provincial Council of Palencia allocates € 35,000 to archaeological projects

The Provincial Council of Palencia allocates € 35,000 to archaeological projects

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It's a statement, the Palencia Provincial Council announced that it will allocate 35,000 euros to archaeological projects in the province, which will be destined to those sites in which interventions have been carried out by the same team in more than five campaigns, or that have been excavated in the last three campaigns.

The Provincial Council pointed out that these grants have been very well received and that they will continue in the next financial year. In total, 112,400 euros have been invested in support of archaeological projects in the last four years.

In this way, they point out, “The institution reaffirms its commitment to make visible and maintain the archaeological heritage of the province in what is a benchmark in its management with the Roman villas of La Olmeda, in Pedrosa de la Vega, and La Tejeda, located in Quintanilla de la Cueza”.

Financial support will fall on the following municipalities and their corresponding archaeological projects:

  • Aguilar de Campoo: Huerta Varona deposit, 5,106.75 euros.
  • Ampudia: archaeological site of Picón del Castillo, 5,106.75 euros.
  • Herrera de Pisuerga: Camino de las Ánimas, 5,073.00 euros.
  • Osorno: Dessobriga deposit, 5,106.75 euros.
  • Paredes de Nava: La Ciudad deposit, Intercatia, 5,106.75 euros.
  • Pomar de Valdivia: site of Monte Bernorio, 4,500 euros.
  • Santibáñez de la Peña: Siege of the Hill archaeological site in Castro, 5,000 euros.

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