The true origin of casino roulette

The true origin of casino roulette

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The roulette It has been a typical game of chance in casinos for centuries, although in addition, already in the 21st century and with technological advances, it is possible to play roulette in online casinos as well as in traditional ones. But nevertheless, what is the origin of casino roulette?

Its name comes from the French term "roulette", Which translated into Spanish means"small wheel"Or"wheel”. But the origin of the game of roulette is a mystery and it is in dispute between several countries that debate among themselves alleging that the creation of the popular casino game is theirs.

To this day, no one knows for sure who invented roulette since its use as a gambling element is not documented until the late Middle Ages.

The origin of roulette in China

For many historians, the theory that the game of roulette originated in the ancient chinese empire It makes a lot of sense. In China they used a kind of guessing object, which was very similar to today's casino roulette.

In it, a small marble ball was used, making it roll around a kind of wooden spinning plate where different sectors were drawn and in each of them several sacred animals were carved for the Chinese population.

From, experts on the subject, tell us that there is a lot of similarity between the plate and the game in general that even the total sectors of the roulette were 37 and in the same way, the ball determined the winning drawing as at present the winning number of the roulette is established.

It is rumored that this type of Chinese roulette was introduced to Europe thanks to Muslim travelers in the late Middle Ages, and it is believed that Dominican monks exchanged the animal symbols for the numbers we know today, taking it with them throughout the European continent.

At the center of the Chinese device were the numbers 666. Amazingly, when you add up the total of the numbers in modern roulette, the result is also 666.

The origin of roulette in Rome

Another origin of roulette is possibly found in Rome, where the ancient Romans needed to keep up the morale of their troops before or after going to big battles. For this reason, the generals allowed them to play games of chance in the legionary camps that went all over Europe in search of new lands.

Here, the ingenuity of warriors, based on the wheel of fortune, created one of the first prototypes of today's roulette using shields and cart wheels.

The origin of roulette in France

By last, the origin most accepted by historians is French. This dictates that its creator was the mathematician Blaise pascal around 1655, like part of his attempts to create a perpetual motion device and investigate his theory of probability for which he developed a wheel with a total of 36 numbered boxes and in it he placed a ball to turn it.

So far the true origin of roulettes has not been historically proven because in each version of different nations it has a small degree of veracity, although it is expected that future research may find the answer.

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