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The Municipal Museum of Natural Sciences from the Buenos Aires town of Miramar, announced the peculiar discovery of hundreds of post-ice age footprints, with an antiquity of approximately six thousand years before the present.
Although the discovery was made some time ago, specialists from the Punta Hermengo Municipal Museum of Miramar, located on the Atlantic coast about 450 kilometers from Buenos Aires, unveiled a new iconic site (with old prints or marks), where traces of different prehistoric animals that inhabited the Pampean region have been observed, after the marine income product of the end of the ice age and the global increase in temperature.

The site was found by Mariano Magnussen Saffer, a researcher at the Miramar Museum, when he was conducting prospecting and observing paleontological material in what was an old brackish water lagoon, fed by a stream and temporarily connected to the ocean, similar to the current Mar Chiquita aquifer.
At the time of the discovery, footprints were found in two isolated sites, in one they belonged to two possible deer, walking side by side and the other at a camelid It walked several meters and turned in a "U" shape, leaving a clear rake.
Days later and after a storm, the tracks were again covered by sand, but they were individualized, molds and photographs were taken, and later, together with the museologist Daniel Boh, in charge of the same Museum, hundreds of others that had been uncovered were recognized.
“We have partially registered several species of animals on the site, the vast majority corresponding to camelids such as Guanacos, others to cervids (perhaps related to living species), also Tayassuidae (peccaries), a little feline, related to the wild cat ”, and a large bird of the genus Rhea (Ñandú), detailed Mariano Magnussen.

Daniel Boh commented that the site has several curiosities and material of paleo environmental value. There are tracks of adult and juvenile specimens, marks of animals that skated in the swamp, runs and animals walking or feeding.
A myriad of paleontological material, Constituted by skeletal remains of camelids, rodents, fish, mollusks, crustaceans and even plant remains, which will allow, at the end of the studies, to know how those times were in this region.
This deposit is deposited above strata of an ancient seabed. The sea advanced repeatedly over the continent (events known as marine influxes), leaving both sediments and remains of invertebrates and marine vertebrates on the mainland, up to a certain distance from the current coast.
On this a swamp was later formed where the ancient traces, belonging to the geological age Middle Holocene, about 6 thousand years before the present.
Miramar, had already been the protagonist of other similar large paleontological findsAmong them, the fossil footprints of a saber-toothed tiger, unique in the world, which were called “Felipeda miramarensis”, in homage to the city where the discovery took place, near the fishermen's wharf.

East new field of fossil footprints it is located on a well-known public beach. The fact that much of the year is under the sand of the beach has preserved it for millennia, but at the same time, complicates its study and observation.
Currently a building is being renovated to house the large collection of fossil remains and natural sciences in general that the Miramar museum has. It is carried out in conjunction with the Municipality of General Alvarado and the Azara Foundation.
Via: Miramar Museum