Biography of Aristophanes, the greatest exponent of the comic genre of Greece

Biography of Aristophanes, the greatest exponent of the comic genre of Greece

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Aristophanes (Athens, 444 BC), was a greek playwright and the maximum exponent of the comic genre in classical literature.

The comedies of Aristophanes

His comedies take place in a multiple scenario and in the middle of a overflowing fantasy. The arguments of his works, relatively serious, they are dressed with all the characteristic effects of the humor of that time: obscenities, exaggerated fuss, stumbling and circus pirouettes.

All this he elaborated with a great care of the verse and with a masterful art for the sparkling and funny dialogues. However, do not neglect the Aristophanes moralist, to the subtle singer of poetic scenes.

Works of Aristophanes

its first comedy He presented it to a contest in 427 BC: ‘The Guests‘.

After 'The Babylonians‘Published in 426 BC, we find the first piece of his authorship that has been preserved:‘The Arcanians', From the year 425 BC, a work in which Diceópolis, a brave citizen, tries to reach a truce privately. Due to this betrayal, the peasants of Acarnas decide to attack his very Athenian residence, where he finally manages to manage a peace in a personal capacity.

The satire in this play comes from the citizens of Acarnas, an area of ​​rich people but in his work, Aristophanes decides to caricature them as «chickadees«.

In 424 BC staged and already with his own name, the play 'The Knights', In which he intensely attacks Cleon for his political and military actions. In 423 BC presents, for its part, the work ‘Clouds', Where he focuses his attention on the corruption of customs that the philosophy of certain sophists supposed for society.

The play 'The bees'From the year 422 BC. it is a satire of the Athenians' eagerness to intervene as judges in the courts, a function for which a salary has been received since the time of Pericles.

In 421 BC is staged ‘Peace‘, A comedy of great actuality, where its protagonist, Trigeo manages to free peace and brings it back to earth.

On the other hand, in the year 414 BC. write his comedy 'The birds'From 414 BC, a work that is based on two Athenians whose desire is to find a calm and peaceful city, and for this they found a city of birds, turning themselves into birds.

From 411 BC are the works are 'Lysistrata' Y 'The Themoforias‘. In the first, the Greek women abandon their husbands and decide not to return with them until they get Sparta and Athens to sign peace. In the second piece, set at a party for women alone, they wish they punish the tragic Euripides for having spoken ill of them in their dramas.

In 405 BC and very close to the end of the Peloponnesian War, write the work ‘The Frogs', a controversy between the art of Aeschylus and that of Euripides.

The Assemblymen', Presented in 392 or 391 BC. Y 'Money (Pluto)'From 388 BC, are his two later pieces. Both move in the sphere of utopia, ceasing to seek a possible identification with the comic hero.

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Video: Aristophanes Frogs