Casa Batlló recovers the originality attributed to it by Antonio Gaudí in 1906

Casa Batlló recovers the originality attributed to it by Antonio Gaudí in 1906

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One of the most outstanding works of Antonio Gaudí was Casa BatllóHence the importance of keeping this majestic building in exceptional condition, since this work highlights the artistic fullness of this important representative of Catalan modernism.

This relevant architectural element has gone through various remodeling and restoration that have allowed it to add value to its structure.

However, this new transformation that began in May 2019 integrates comprehensive conservation solutions that brings together various professionals of seven guilds that have given all their talent and willingness to revive the most outstanding artistic benefits of Casa Batlló.

What is this new remodeling process about?

This new process of returning the house to 1906 is an integral transformation of the restoration of Casa Batlló which is nothing more than the application of cleaning and remodeling techniques by specialists in the conservation of demanding facades such as those shown in this building, and which is composed of different materials such as stone, ceramics, glass, iron and wood.

This structure obliges these experts to give all their professionalism and will to make Casa Batlló a space that continues to attract the attention of dozens of people who visit Paseo de Grácia in Barcelona.

Likewise, another of the peculiarities of this conservation process is that it was carried out with the sight of all the people who passed through the place, since the building was covered with a transparent canvas blanket in homage to the new restorers.

With these works, the brightness, color and all the splendor of the facade of this important world work have been recovered. For that professionals discovered the original coating, which was hidden under multiple layers of paint. This procedure was achieved through a lime stucco of different shades, apart from making incisions to draw the characteristic trencadís of Planta Noble.

In this way the openings were subsequently filled with a lime mortar and finished with wax. Definitely this technique impressed all those responsible for this remodeling, since the finish is perfect.

Batlló's office: surprising findings reveal a whole story

Another important feature of this transformation was the discovery of the natural skin of Mr. Batlló's office, really a composition of materials of great value and a wealth of architectural knowledge that show the pure talent of great masters of Spanish architecture.

In this space the joints of the incisions were complemented with gold leaf and a perfect multitonal distribution.

Regarding the wainscot, even more was discovered of the one made of wood that was missing today, in the depth they were found findings with plaster finish Y annotations made in pencil, which showed the upper undulation of the plinth that was made during the integral transformation that Gaudí will carry out.

In the same way, the hooks that have been seen in the historical images that were used to hang pictures and decorative elements were found.

More important discoveries

Also during the restoration, the alterations that occurred in the past with the use of different spaces were seen, since this building not only served as a home, but also as the Headquarters of Iberia Insurance, as well as Chamartin Animation Studios.

Fortunately, all the specialists who worked on the work are professionals who know the work of Antonio Gaudí very well, which allows them to take care of each space worked and offer a deeper analysis of each discovery.

Cleaning: another important challenge of this transformation

One of the main tasks of this Casa Batlló conservation method was to carry out a process of comprehensive cleaning of the facade, which meant removing all the dirt and dust accumulated over the years in this important space. This process was carried out under different cleaning techniques, since each material required a different methodology.

Most of the cleaning was done with water mist at high temperatures, since the material that normally integrates large surfaces of the façade is glass, although brushes were also used to gently scrape the dirt embedded in the joints.

Likewise, ceramic was one of the materials that required the greatest care from the repair team, since apart from cleaning it they had to be cured due to the degradation process that many of these pieces had suffered over time.

Definitely this process of restoration of Casa Batlló is worth inscribing in the history of this important world heritageAs Antonio Gaudí gave his passion to architectural art in 1906, today various art-loving professionals made great physical effort and shared their knowledge to add greater value to this European artistic monument.

Images: Battló House

Video: Mapping The Awakening of the Dragon Casa Batlló 2015