Book ‘The most intelligent ladies of the 16th century’, by Vicenta Márquez de la Plata

Book ‘The most intelligent ladies of the 16th century’, by Vicenta Márquez de la Plata

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Summary of ‘The most intelligent ladies of the 16th century’

Despite her long skirts and corsets, conspired, signed treaties, pulled the strings of politics and the arts… Are the smartest ladies of the 16th century. Four queens of swords.

The political background of the moment in which they lived was convulsed: internal struggles between the European powers, territorial interests, treaties and alliances with other ruling houses, marriages as perks in the prevailing politics, etc.

All of them were admired and respected.

The writer and historian Vicenta Márquez de la Plata, pick up in The smartest ladies of the 16th century, work published by Cassiopeia, the lives of four great ladies who managed to get away with it.

Margaret of Habsburg, daughter of Maximilian of Austria and wife of Juan de Aragon (son of the Catholic Monarchs), ended up ruling the Netherlands. He had unusual intelligence: he negotiated an important treaty with England that favored the Flemish cloth trade, and he participated in the League of Cambrai, a coalition against the Republic of Venice and one of the important alliances inserted in the Italian wars. She was considered one of the most cunning women of her time.

Louise of Savoy, He was noted for his keen command of political and diplomatic complexities and was interested in advances in the arts and sciences of the Italian Renaissance. Her titles preceded her: she was Duchess of Angouleme, Duchess of Anjou and Countess of Maine, Duchess of Bourbon and Auvergne, Countess of Forez and of La Marca and Madame de Beaujeu al win a lawsuit against Carlos III himself.

Twice he served as regent of France and organized the counteroffensive against Carlos V. He also negotiated «the peace of the ladies», Treated that confirmed Habsburg hegemony in Italy.

Catherine of Aragon, daughter of the Catholic Monarchs, Isabel and Fernando, was queen consort of England as Henry VIII's wife. She was caught up in the events that led to England's break with the Catholic Church. Disowned, banished, locked in a castle for life, she did not surrender to her fate and was loved by the English people.

She won with the appeal in favor of the life of the rebels involved in Evil May Day, whom she defended for the good of their families, and was admired for her program for the relief of the poor. Catalina was a patron of humanism and a friend of the great scholars Erasmus of Rotterdam and Tomás Moro. Thomas Cromwell himself said of her: "If it weren't for her sex, she could have defied every hero in history."

Anne of Brittany, smart, proud and cunning, spent much of his time in Brittany fighting to safeguard his autonomy outside the French crown. It was patron of the arts, music and creator of tapestries. With two marriages under her belt, fourteen pregnancies, and only two surviving children, she had a hectic life in which she was able to combine her family life with politics and the arts, which attracted her so much.

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