They discover 17 amphoras from the 3rd century BC. in the Bay of Cannes

They discover 17 amphoras from the 3rd century BC. in the Bay of Cannes

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A campaign of underwater archaeological excavations has announced the discovery of 17 amphorae from the 3rd century BC near the Lérins Islands, in the Bay of Cannes, at a depth of 20 meters.

According Anne Joncheray, archaeologist and director of the Saint-Raphaël Museum of Archeology, the 2,300-year-old amphoras are in a very good state of preservation and they were probably used to transport locally produced wine to Greek trading posts from the Mediterranean.

“Bringing these objects to the surface was not an easy task, as everything is entangled in a mixture of sand and organic matter, which also helped to preserve them for more than two millennia,” explained Joncheray.

But nevertheless, there is no trace of the ship that transported these amphorae and its scattered arrangement suggests a series of possible scenarios: either the ship capsized without sinking and lost part of its cargo, or it ran aground a short distance away; or that the objects were simply thrown overboard.

Due to Greek trade control and conflict, it is rare to make a find of this type with this dating, and indeed to date, only four other remains have been discovered from this period in history.

Once intervened, the amphoras will be exhibited in a museum in the Alpes-Maritimes department.

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