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The Tomares treasure, accidentally located the April 27, 2016 during some electrical pipeline work in the Olivar del Zaudín metropolitan park in the Sevillian municipality, it is made up of 53,208 Roman coins from the 3rd and 4th centuries Y has a value of 468,230 euros.
This is the conclusion of the study carried out by a commission of experts in charge of its appraisal in order to determine the legal award that could correspond to the discoverers of the discovery.
The members of the commission grant a average value of eight euros for each piece, taking into account that 49,277 are uncleaned coins, which represents a total amount of 425,664 euros.
A 10% (42,566 euros) is added to this valuation as it is an archaeologically documented find and which will be exhibited in an educational and museum context.
The treasure was divided into 19 amphoras, of which ten were fragmented when suffering the impact of the machinery, but nine remained intact and closed.
Its assessment has been made based on the conclusions of the report of the technical teams of the Archaeological Museum of Seville, in charge of unpacking and handling the pieces, and of the Andalusian Institute of Historical Heritage (IAPH), which has dealt with the work of documentation and video endoscopy.
The treasure will be exhibited in this museum center from the capital of Seville and at the Hacienda Montefuerte de Tomares, once the work is completed to adapt this space dating from the 16th century as a cultural and museum site, sources from the Ministry of Culture and Historical Heritage have indicated.
Following the recommendation of the experts, it was agreed that, to document the content of the amphoras, it was not necessary to inspect the nine sealed containers, therefore four were selected for their study by video endoscopy.
In some of them, the loss of material left an opening to introduce the probe. In others, the minimum amount of soil necessary was removed with specific instruments for the video endoscope.
The extracted material was collected for further analysis.
A treasure of 600 kilos
The technical study has confirmed that the Tomares treasure –with an approximate weight of 600 kilos– is located in the Tetrarchy period, system of government established by the emperor Diocletian in the year 293 d. C. based on the administrative division of the Roman Empire into four areas, in which two august and two caesars exercised power.
This organization only lasted twenty years, until the reunification of power in 313 d. by the last August, Constantine.
During the analysis with a video endoscope, coins were observed that offered a partial reading of their legends, identifying pieces of Diocletian, Maximiano, Galerio Maximiano and Constantcio, with a chronology between 294 and 310 AD. C.
It has also been documented that the earth has penetrated the interior of the containers, as well as the presence of some roots and small animals (remains of a snail) in the amphorae that had a hole.
In general, the bronze coins present a good state of conservation –in, at least, 15% of them, it is very good– being the pieces that are in contact with the walls of the ceramic those that have suffered the greatest deterioration .
Furthermore, it has been found that, although they are in contact with each other, they do not form a compact block, but are separated. The coins were in common use, used in regular payments by citizens.
Finally, research indicates that sometime in the first third of the fourth century, the 19 amphorae were used as 'piggy banks' or 'safe deposit boxes' and deposited in the basement or under the floor of a warehouse built in the third century.
This building was razed to its foundations, between the second half of the 5th century and the beginning of the next century.
Via IAPH / Sinc