55 students participate in the education and coexistence day in the Sierra de Atapuerca 2019

55 students participate in the education and coexistence day in the Sierra de Atapuerca 2019

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The Sierra de Atapuerca This morning has been the scene of a day of coexistence between students of the IES López de Mendoza and students of the Puentesaúco Education Center.

It has been an activity organized by Fundación Atapuerca, Fundación Aspanias Burgos, IES Cardenal López de Mendoza, Fundación Caja de Burgos and Obra Social “la Caixa”. whose objective is to promote social awareness towards the group of people with intellectual disabilities in conjunction with the interest and knowledge of the natural and cultural heritage.

A total of 55 young students of the International Baccalaureate of the I.E.S. Cardinal López de Mendoza de Burgos and the Puentesaúco Education Center of the Aspanias Burgos Foundation shared this morning a day of coexistence and ecology in the deposits of the Sierra de Atapuerca, declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 2000.

Awareness for the care and respect of Heritage and the environment and the commitment to building an increasingly inclusive and supportive society They have been the driving forces behind this activity of coexistence, education, disclosure of heritage and social inclusion, with waste collection taking a back seat, since each year - fortunately - the amount of waste to be collected is less.

The day of coexistence It has started at 10:45 am in the deposits of the Sierra de Atapuerca. Afterwards, they have all shared a picnic lunch courtesy of companies collaborating with the Atapuerca Foundation.

Next, with the help of Miguel Ángel Pinto, director of the Environment Classroom of Fundación Caja de Burgos, the participants carried out a workshop for the construction of a large “hotel” for insects.

The “hotels” for insects are habitats made with natural materials, which serve as a resting place, shelter, reproduction and hibernation for insects.

They are carried out to favor the conservation of beneficial insects for the environment, especially those that contribute to reducing pests that are harmful to agriculture for humans or those that contribute to the pollination of plants.

The activity was attended by Raquel Torrientes, Mayor of Atapuerca; Javier Gutiérrez, general director of the Atapuerca Foundation; Miguel Patón, president of the Aspanias Burgos Foundation; Miguel Ángel Pinto, director of the Environment Classroom of Fundación Caja de Burgos and Elsa Calderón, head of the Social Cohesion area of ​​Fundación Caja de Burgos.

Let's clean the saw”Was born in 2003 on the occasion of the declaration by the European Union of the‘ European Year of People with Disabilities ’.

That year, Aspanias developed numerous activities related to the world of the Atapuerca deposits to promote knowledge of the Atapuerca Heritage among its group of people with intellectual disabilities, as well as social visibility actions.

The Atapuerca Foundation joined these initiatives and thus was born this day of coexistence and social and environmental awareness, which year after year is held in the Sierra de Atapuerca, renewing and reinforcing cultural cooperation and social integration of young people with disabilities.

Video: ATAPUERCA: Gran Dolina