«Let's clean the saw» 2019, in the Sierra de Atapuerca

«Let's clean the saw» 2019, in the Sierra de Atapuerca

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Tomorrow, Thursday, May 16, the Sierra de Atapuerca hosts the annual conference "Let's clean the saw", a coexistence activity among students from the Puentesaúco Education Center (Fundación Aspanias Burgos) and the IES López de Mendoza. The initiative is promoted by Obra Social “la Caixa” and the Caja Burgos Foundation.

The initiative arrives this year and will include the construction -in mixed groups of students- of hotels for insects.

Clean the Sierra Program 2019

10:45 am: Waste collection in the Sierra de Atapuerca.

11:30 am: Break to share a lunch in the mountains.

12: 00h: Construction, in groups, of hotels for insects.

13: 00h: End of the activity.

On the initiative "Let's clean the saw!"

The initiative "Let's clean the saw! " was born in 2003, as an action plan between the Atapuerca Foundation in collaboration with ASPANIAS (Association of Parents and Relatives of People with Intellectual and / or Developmental Disabilities).

The activity aims promote social awareness towards this group and the promote interest and knowledge about conservation and enjoyment of the natural and cultural heritage.

Video: back saw restoration