International Museum Day Program in Uruguay

International Museum Day Program in Uruguay

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On the occasion of International Museum Day, we share the program of activities that will be held in the most important museums of Uruguay.

Anthropology National Museum

Saturday 18/5 open from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.

11:30 13:30 15:30 h. Guided tours of the archeology and ethnography exhibitions. Performance of the Choir of the Cultural Center of Spain.

National Museum of Natural History

Saturday 18/5 open from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Exhibition on the evolution of life on the planet and in the region and on biodiversity in current Uruguay (it has paleontological, archaeological and biological pieces). Life-size reproduction of a young dinosaur that inhabited these lands millions of years ago.

National historical museum

Saturday 18/5 open from 12 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Rivera House: permanent exhibition on the process of formation of Uruguay as an independent state until the first decade of the 20th century. Exhibition "A simple citizen" that covers the different ways in which Artigas was represented (exhibits paintings and drawings of great historical and artistic value).

Lavalleja House: currently with exhibitions on the work of the artist and calligrapher Juan Manuel Besnes e Irigoyen and on the collection of Roberto J. Bouton, with outstanding objects linked to the rural culture of Uruguay

Montero's House (Romantic Museum): permanent exhibition that covers paintings, clothing and furniture from the romantic period.

Quinta de Herrera House: after its building restoration, the original furniture was recovered and reinstalled, accompanying the tour with documents and objects that illustrate the life of Luis Alberto de Herrera and his time.

Under the title "Museum Month«, the MHN will have special activities throughout the month of May. The Guided visits to Casa Quinta de Batlle, currently in the process of restoration, which will take place on Friday 17 and Tuesday 21 May (birth of José Batlle y Ordóñez), with prior registration.

National Museum of Visual Arts

Saturday 18/5 open from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.

The free entry to the "Picasso in Uruguay" exhibition throughout Saturday, May 18.

On the ground floor follows the exhibition "African Nostalgias" by Pedro Figari and "Irreverentes. Women artists in the collection of the National Museum of Visual Arts ».

Taranco Palace Decorative Arts Museum

Saturday 18/5 open from 12:30 p.m. to 5:40 p.m.

Two floors of the building house the permanent collection with furniture and works of art that were originally in the house. In the gallery, the following stand out: Ghirlandaio, Goya, Sánchez Barbudo, Sorolla, Ribera (Lo Spagnoletto), Romero de Torres, Snayers, Teniers, Van Der Helst, Van Loo, Velázquez, Zuloaga. In addition to sculptures by Mariano Benlliure along with various Prix de Rome such as Bouchard, Grégoire, Landowski and Vermare.

An archaeological collection with original Greek, Roman and Iranian pieces, among others, is exhibited in the basement.

15 h. Conference "Victoria Ocampo: feminism and culture in the twentieth century" by Dr. José Miguel Onaindia, Coordinator of the INAE.

Figari Museum

Saturday 18/5 open from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Permanent exhibition with documentation and paintings by Pedro and Juan Carlos Figari.

Temporal exposition: "Figari storyteller«. Juan Manuel Sánchez Puntigliano, curator of the exhibition, will offer at 12 noon a guided tour of the exhibition that teaches the narrative facet of Figari.

Zorrilla Museum

Saturday 18/5 open from 2pm to 7pm.

Permanent exhibition on the life and work of Juan Zorrilla de San Martín, in what was his summer home.

15 h. - Dynamic duos cycle. Fifth and last meeting of the Dynamic Duos cycle. Open talk by Cecilia Afonso Esteves (AR), editorial designer and creator of the newspaper Rampante.

17 h. - The China show. Patricia Fry + dancers performing.
Both activities are free to attend until full capacity is reached.

EAC - Contemporary Art Space

Saturday 18/5 open from 2:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Exhibition of works by artists selected for Season 33 of exhibitions.

15 h. Guided tour that will take as a starting point the history of the former Miguelete prison site and the contemporary art exhibitions.

Carnival Museum

Saturday 18/5 open from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Permanent and temporary exhibitions on Carnival and related topics. Free entry on Saturday May 18.

Museums of Culture | MEC in co-management with the Municipality of Maldonado

By order of the Municipality of Maldonado, the premises of his property will not open on May 18. For this reason, the Museo Vivo del Títere and the García Uriburu Collection will hold a special activity on Friday, May 17.

Living Puppet Museum and García Uriburu Museum Collection

Friday 17/5 open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

16 to 18 h. Conference with Volunteers from the MIDES Program: The Living Museum of the Puppet and the García Uriburu Collection of Maldonado. A day will be held with the 64 volunteers registered in the MIDES program to support both museums. It includes a presentation of the institutions, a guided tour of the two museums and a talk to learn about proposals, ideas and define the tasks for this year.

Place: García Uriburu Collection Museum
Address: May 25 between July 18 and José Dodera - Cuartel de Dragones - Maldonado.

Video: International Museum Day 2020