What to see in Aranjuez? World Heritage Site south of Madrid

What to see in Aranjuez? World Heritage Site south of Madrid

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A jewel of the Community of Madrid is Aranjuez, about 50 kilometers south of the capital of Spain, which acquired the latest of the Heritage declarations in Madrid by Unesco, after Alcala de Henares and El Escorial.

The recognition came in 2001, when the art and the nature of his environment earned him to be considered as World Heritage Cultural Landscape.

Located on the shores of Tagus river, this destination was chosen by the Bourbons to establish his spring residence, so the Royal Palace and its Gardens they constitute some of the most valued monuments of the municipality.

It is a Herrerian style construction, whose front facade is adorned by statues of Felipe II, Fernando VI and Carlos III -the three kings who promoted its construction-. Among its most striking elements, its white and red facade and the Rococo style balustrade staircase inside.

In addition to its rooms, which are filled with baroque pieces such as porcelain or paintings, there are palace gardens, which leave a beautiful picture of chromatic nuances designed by canals, fountains and a wide variety of plant species.

Specifically, the Parterre Garden, English court; that of the island, which extends between the course of the Tagus and the Ría; the Prince's garden, of French and Gothic style and the largest of the four -with 150 hectares of extension and a perimeter of 7 kilometers- and, finally, that of Isabell II, dominated by a bronze statue of the "girl queen" on a white marble pedestal.

You can also visit the Labrador House, a neoclassical palace built at the request of Carlos IV, and the Royal Barge Museum, which has an interesting collection of the boats that the kings of Spain used to navigate the Tagus.

The walks through its tree-lined streets in the baroque style, visits to other spaces such as the Fuente de la Mariblanca, the Royal Theatre, the Food Market, or the Aranjuez railway station - neo-Mudejar style-, together with a tasty gastronomy in which there is no shortage of artichokes, asparagus, pheasants, quail or its famous strawberries, complete the offer of this beautiful town also considered as the vegetable garden of Madrid.

And so, between flavors of yesteryear, architectural jewels, and cultural proposals, we will be captivated by those reminiscences of a past recognized as World Heritage.

Other World Heritage Sites in Madrid:

Alcala de Henares
El Escorial

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Images: Stock Photos - Víctor Torres and TalyaPhoto on Shutterstock

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