Biography of Leo I the Great, the Pope who stopped Attila at the gates of Rome

Biography of Leo I the Great, the Pope who stopped Attila at the gates of Rome

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Leo I "The Great", was the successor of Sixtus III in the papal seat when he died during his absence in Gaul (August 11, 440), assuming on September 29 of that same year when he was elected unanimously, quickly demonstrating all his value and potential to govern the Church.

Shortly after assuming the pontificate, Leo I censured the practice that was developing in Aquileia, where Pelagians were received into communion by the church without formal repudiation of their errors, forcing a provincial synod to be held where it was required that the ex-Pelagians made an unequivocal abjuration.

Leo I and Attila at the gates of Rome

One of his greatest tasks as a ruler happened when Attila invaded Italy in 452, looting cities like Aquileia and heading to Rome.

AttilaHe apparently demanded that the reigning emperor's sister, Valentinian III, be sent to him along with a dowry, and in response, the emperor sent three people to negotiate with him: Consul Gennadius Avienus, former Prefect Memmius Aemilius Trygetius, and to the Pope Leo I.

It is not known what the negotiations were, but all agreed that the success of Attila not ravaging Rome was due to the mediation of Leo I.

However, it was not as successful when the Vandals, with Genseric in command, sacked the city in 455, although yes that if intermediation, while the vandals sacked the city, it prevented Rome from burning and the Basilicas of San Pedro, San Pablo and San Juan, where a large part of the population was hidden, were not attacked.

It was erected as like the greatest defender of pontifical power, getting the rulers of the West to take him as an example. The greatest demonstration of his leadership was when he confirmed Flavian's sentence against the Eutyches heresy.

At the same time, Leo I defended the supremacy of the bishop of Rome over the rest of the bishops of all the West, which can be known thanks to verifying them in various sermons that have remained from his pontificate.

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