What is the main religion of each country in Europe?

What is the main religion of each country in Europe?

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In Europe, the predominant religion is Catholicism, although Christianity in general is present with several of its branches.

Here we leave you a list of the main religion of each country in Europe, sorted alphabetically:

  1. Albania: Islam (56.7%).
  2. Germany: Protestantism (34%) and Catholicism (34%).
  3. Andorra: Catholicism (≈ 100%).
  4. Armenia: Armenian Apostolic Church (92.6%).
  5. Austria: Catholicism (73.6%).
  6. Azerbaijan: Islam (93.4%).
  7. Belgium: Catholicism (75%).
  8. Belarus: Orthodox Catholic Apostolic Church (80%).
  9. Bosnia and Herzegovina: Islam (40%).
  10. Bulgaria: Orthodox Catholic Apostolic Church (59.4%).
  11. Cyprus: Orthodox Church of Greece (78%).
  12. Vatican City: Catholicism (100%).
  13. Croatia: Catholicism (86.3%).
  14. Denmark: Lutheranism (80%).
  15. Slovakia: Catholicism (62%).
  16. Slovenia: Catholicism (57.8%).
  17. Spain: Catholicism (94%).
  18. Estonia: Orthodox Apostolic Catholic Church (16.2%).
  19. Finland: Lutheranism (78.4%).
  20. France: Catholicism (≈ 85%).
  21. Georgia: Orthodox Catholic Apostolic Church (83.9%).
  22. Greece: Orthodox Church of Greece (98%).
  23. Hungary: Catholicism (37.2%).
  24. Ireland: Catholicism (84.7%).
  25. Iceland: Icelandic Evangelical Lutheran Lutheranism (76.2%).
  26. Italy: Catholicism (≈ 80%).
  27. Kazakhstan: Islam (70.2%).
  28. Latvia: Lutheranism (19.6%).
  29. Liechtenstein: Catholicism (75.9%).
  30. Lithuania: Catholicism (77.2%).
  31. Luxembourg: Catholicism (87%).
  32. malt: Catholicism (98%).
  33. Moldova: Orthodox Catholic Apostolic Church (98%).
  34. Monaco: Catholicism (90%).
  35. Montenegro: Orthodox Catholic Apostolic Church (72.1%).
  36. Norway: Evangelical Lutheran Church of Norway (82.1%).
  37. Netherlands: Catholicism (30%).
  38. Poland: Catholicism (86.9%).
  39. Portugal: Catholicism (81%).
  40. United Kingdom: Christianity (59.5%).
  41. Czech Republic: Catholicism (10.4%).
  42. Republic of Macedonia: Macedonian Orthodox Church (64.7%).
  43. Romania: Orthodox Catholic Apostolic Church (81.9%).
  44. Russia: Russian Orthodox Church (approximately 17.5%).
  45. San Marino: Catholicism (% unknown).
  46. Serbia: Serbian Orthodox Church (84.6%).
  47. Sweden: Lutheranism (87%).
  48. Switzerland: Catholicism (38.2%).
  49. Turkey: Islam (99.8%). (The predominant is Sunnism).
  50. Ukraine: Orthodox Catholic Apostolic Church (% unknown).

Source: CIA Library
Image: Stock Photos - Peter Hermes Furian on Shutterstock

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