List of gods and divinities of Slavic mythology

List of gods and divinities of Slavic mythology

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The slavic mythology defines the set of religious beliefs and ritual practices of the Slavs before the formal Christianization of their elites, which occurred throughout the 8th and 13th centuries.

This mythology believed to have developed over 3,000 years, and it is even thought that many of these beliefs date back to the Neolithic or Mesolithic.

However, contrary to what happens with Greek mythology or the egyptian mythology, there is no evidence of first-hand sources that facilitate the study of Slavic mythology.

Slavic beliefs were transmitted orally Throughout generations and the data we have about them we find them thanks to the writings produced by the first Christian missionaries who arrived in the region, although in many cases they are not objective.

Yes we have many later works such as "Chronicle First”, Which was drawn up at the beginning of the 12th century and deals with the history of the first East Slavic state, which offers many references and copies of older documents.

Later the work "Chronicle of Nestor”, In which Nestor, the Chronicler, describes the pantheon of main gods introduced by Prince Vladimir I of Kiev in 980. In it we find Perún, Dažbog, Stribog, Simargl and Mokosh.

At "Codex of Hypatius»We find the god Svarog and in the«Song of Igor's Hosts»To Veles, among many other sources and stories.

Here we leave you a approximate list of Slavic divinities.

BannikSpirit that inhabited the bathroom stalls who were consulted about the future.
BeretukGod of the Forest, protector also of wild animals.
Belabog (Bielobog)The white god, divinity of light and day. God of Good and Dazsbog's companion.
Bogatir(The brave) Heroes of the epic poems of the Russian people. These heroes disappeared when one of them challenged the forces of the Hereafter and were defeated.
BujanMythical island, where the Sacred Oak grew and the Alatyr Magic Stone was located. For other authors, the World of the Dead, equivalent to Nav.
ChernabogGod of Slavic mythology whose name means "black god". In the few sources where he is mentioned, he is described as a dark and cursed deity.
ChurCreator God of crafts and fertility.
Dabog or Dajbog (Dažbog)For the Serbs, God who guarded the gates of the Underworld. Other theories suggest that it was the God of Celestial Fire, associated with the Sun that transported it through the Sky. Married to Messiatz, his children were the stars.
Domovoi (Domovik)Deity of the Home and protector of its inhabitants.
DvorovoiSpirit of the courtyards, associated with a farm, livestock sheds and stables. It is a spirit similar to the Domovoi although less benevolent, being considered more dangerous since it could represent a threat to cattle, especially those with white skin.
SpiritsWhen the Creator God had created the Earth, a group of spirits rebelled and were thrown by Him from Heaven to Earth. Some fell on the houses, others on the yards and corrals and others, finally, on the forests, fields and rivers. Where they had fallen they settled, the former becoming benefactors and those who fell in forests, fields and rivers into evildoers.
Kupala (or Kupalo)Goddess who represented the physical force of water. Daughter of Simargl and Kulpalnitsa. Sister of Kostroma.
KostromaEast Slavic fertility goddess. Kupalo's sister. Twins in the legend of Kostroma and Kupala.
LadaGoddess of Love and Marriage (probably later invented).
LechyForest spirit. He could take whatever size he liked.
Mati-Syra-ZemliaMother-Earth-Humid, for the Russians. Supreme Goddess, conscious and just.
MessiatzGoddess of the Moon.
MikulaOne of the heroes (bogatir) of Russian literature, punished for his pride.
MokoshMother Goddess, controlled the soil and crops. It also protected women and children.
Morana or Marena or MaranaDaughter of Perún, married to her brother Yarilo, Goddess of Nature and Death. He kills his brother who is reborn the following year, transforming into a Goddess of Darkness and Cold, dying at the end of the year, to be reborn the other.
NavFor the Slavs it is the World of the Dead.
OvinnikGuardian Spirit of the Barns
PerunGod of Thunder, Lightning and War. Control the world from the top of the Tree of the Universe.
Polevoi or PolevikSpirit of the fields. He amused himself with the people who crossed the fields at dusk, making fun of them.
PoloundnitzaFeminine spirit of the fields for the Russians.
RodGod of Creation.
RusalkaNymphs of double existence, aquatic and forest. When a young woman drowned she became one of them. At night they swayed singing in the branches of the willows and birches. They stopped the mill wheels, broke dams and the fishermen's nets.
Simargl (Semargl)Slavic deity represented as a winged lion or dog. His wife is Kulpalnitsa, goddess of the night. He is the father of Kupalo and Kostroma. The Zoryas, Dažbog's solar goddesses, keep him chained to the star Polaris, in Ursa Minor, to prevent the constellation from being released and destroying it, thereby ending the world. Simargl is also Skif's father.
StribogGod of the Wind.
SvantevitGod associated with divination, his domain is not exactly known.
SvarogFather of the Gods, Creator. Father of Dažbog (Celestial Fire, the Sun) and Svarogich (Earth Fire)
SvarogichGod of Earthly Fire, son of Svarog.
SvetovidGod represented with four heads, from War associated with fertility and abundance.
SviatovitGod of Gods for the Slavs of the Baltic region. He took the place of Svarog and was the father of the God of the Sun and the God of Fire.
SvisagotorOne of the heroes (bogatir) of Russian literature, punished for his pride.
TriglavGod associated with divination, a vigilant God represented with three heads with which he controlled Heaven, Earth and the Underworld.
Veles or VolosChthonic God, associated with the waters and God of the Underworld, ruling it from the roots of the Tree of the Universe.
VesnaGoddess of Spring and Youth (probably later invented)
VodianoiSpirit of the waters, evil and dangerous divinity that inhabited lakes, rivers, streams and ponds. The night bathers ran the risk that it would make them disappear. He was wrecking the levees trying to free the watercourse.
YariloGod of carnal love, spring and fruitfulness. Son of Perún and married to his sister Morana. Associated with the Moon. Died by it, he is reborn every year.
ZoriasDaughters of the Sun who opened and closed the doors of their father's palace.

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